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WOC190 Spring 2023 Session 4

Day 10

Wed. Apr. 19

  • Share details from “Mazie” and “The Man Who Eats”

  • Share favorite aphorisms


➤ Essay 3 (Character in Context) due next class!

Upload your essay to SharePoint.


Pick either an aphorism you wrote or an aphorism a classmate wrote, and improve that aphorism. Make it more concise; make it sound better; make it clearer or more vivid in some way. Type the original AND your improved version of the aphorism in a Word document and upload it to the folder called “Improved aphorisms.”

Note: If you want, try improving more than one! Improve as many as you want. Put them all in the same Word document.


For the person you’re writing about for your character essay, write at least three original aphorisms (again, not proverbs or other clichéd statements—these should be aphorisms that haven’t been said before, except perhaps by that person) that capture this person’s worldview or value system.

  • Make at least one of these aphorisms contain the word for an object that your character is very familiar with or uses a lot or is important to them for some reason.

  • Also, make at least one of these aphorisms contain the name of a place that is very important to your character or in which your character spends a lot time / is very familiar with.

Upload a Word document with your three new aphorisms to the folder on SharePoint called “Aphorisms for your character.”

Austin Woerner