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Course Documents

WOC190 - Final project

Due at midnight (11:59pm) on Sunday May 14 (China time)

(Upload to SharePoint folder)

Choose one of your three essays—the one you’re proudest of, or most interested in improving—and revise it into a complete, polished work that you could imagine being published in the Literary Atlas of DKU.

(You’re not required to contribute your piece to the atlas if you don’t want, but I highly encourage you to! If you’d like to publish your piece somewhere else, we can also brainstorm other venues.)

If you want to get my feedback on a draft before the final deadline, please message me on WeChat and make an appointment to meet with me one-on-one. In most cases I’ll ask you to read your essay aloud to me and I’ll give you comments on the spot.

Note that it’s best not to wait to the last minute to ask for an appointment, because my appointment slots tend to fill up. Please note also that I’m not usually available for appointments on weekends.


I’ll grade the final essay in the same way I’ve done your other work: ✓-, ✓, ✓+, or P. (See WOC190: “Going Forward” for details on the grading scheme.)